Bella Dickens
Graphic Designer.
Bella Dickens
I am a graphic designer in Sapulpa, OK. I specialize in logo making and corporate system
I am organized, passionate, and dedicated to helping your business run as efficiently as possible with well designed forms and back end
I am equipped with
01 Qualifications
Technology savvy - including Microsoft Suite and Adobe Creative Cloud (especially Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Xd.
Energetic and creative team member, with proven ability to manage projects.
Self-starter and strong independent worker.
Highly adaptable to ever-changing circumstances.
02 Experience
Read my resume here >
Myers Family Farm
- Product Marketing & Distribution
- Generated a Facebook Page
Loops, A Yarn Store
- Generated content for Instagram, Facebook, & Email
- Created original photographs & content ideas
Oklahoma State University Classes (Fall 2018)
- Typography
- 2D Design
- Drawing 1
Oklahoma State University Classes (Spring 2019)
- Graphic Design
- Digital Design
- 3D Design
Graphic Design Intern - OnCue
- Create stunning designs to be posted on social media and to be printed and posted outside of OnCue stores
- Worked in a design group to create brand standard designs.
Oklahoma State University Classes (Fall 2019)
- Interaction Design (Website and App UI design)
- Typography 2
Marketing & Graphic Designer - Myers Family Farm
- Worked with live animals to generate original content
- Created posts for social media
- Made their website (
-Redesigned their logo and branding materials